Amazon Sagemaker Course
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About this course
In this course, Amazon Sagemaker Tutorial, we will walk you through the basic concepts of Machine Learning and AWS in AI. You will learn the concepts of Amazon Sagemaker and its architecture. With the help of a demo, we will discuss the working of Amazon Sagemaker. We will further discuss the services offered by Amazon Rekognition, forecast, personalize, extract, transcribe, comprehend, and polly.
Course Outline
This module briefs the Amazon Sagemaker, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, Amazon Recognition, Amazon Deeplens, and Amazon Textract components of AWS.
AI can be created in a proprietary manner, and it's also not a necessity for a business solution. So why exactly should we use the AI services provided in AWS? Let's answer this question in this module.
AI and ML are two sides of the same coin and go hand in hand. So, let's look into some of the service domains provided in AWS for AI and ML services.
In the first module, you will understand the basics of a machine learning model that a Data Scientist prepares for data processing. You will also understand what AWS Sagemaker is and how it is used.
This module discusses the Architecture of the AWS Sagemaker and its applications. Later on, you will understand the data processing procedure.

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