AWS Load Balancing

AWS Load Balancing

AWS offers several load-balancing options to distribute incoming traffic across multiple Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. You can choose from an Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer, and Classic Load Balancer, depending on your needs. 

Creating a load balancer: 

1. Open the AWS Management Console and Navigate the EC2 dashboard. 2. From the left-hand menu, select "Load Balancers." 
3. Click the "Create Load Balancer" button. 
4. Select the type of load balancer you want to create (e.g. Classic Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer, Application Load Balancer, ). 
5. Specify the load balancer name, the ports to listen on, and the protocol. 6. Select the availability zones in which you want to create the load balancer. 7. Create a target group and specify the protocol and port for the target group. 8. Add the EC2 instances that you want to include in the load balancer. 9. Review and create the load balancer. 

Your load balancer should now be created and ready to use. You can view the status of your load balancer in the EC2 dashboard and modify its settings as needed. 

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