
PPT - Rearranging Slides

PPT - Rearranging Slides

Let’s look at how to rearrange slides in PowerPoint. When it comes to structuring the overall presentation flow, rearranging slides is critical. While it's critical to have the correct content on each slide, it's also critical to be able to present them in a way that makes it simpler for the audience to absorb the content and this usually requires rearranging the slides.

In PowerPoint, you may rearrange slides using two different views: Normal View and Slide Sorter View. The steps to rearrange slides from various views are outlined below.

Normal View

Step 1: Select the slide to be moved in the Normal View.

Step 2: Select the slide with the left mouse button and drag it to the desired location in the sequence. A line will appear between current slides to show the insert position in PowerPoint.

Step 3: To insert the slide, release the left click button when you've reached the correct location. You can easily clip and paste the selected slide back into the sequence, as demonstrated below.

Slide Sorter View

Let's look at how the Slide Sorter View works now.

Step 1: Choose the slide that has to be shifted.

Step 2: Select the slide with the left mouse button and drag it to the desired location in the sequence. A line will appear between current slides to show the insert position in PowerPoint.

Step 3: To insert the slide, release the left click button when you've reached the correct location. You can also easily copy and paste the selected slide back into the sequence.

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